Persian World Outreach Prayer Points  December 2002

T -  Together
E -  Everyone
A -  Accomplishes
M - More

Phone: 856-878-9799
[email protected] 

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Thanks for taking the time to pray through these requests. Some are PWO requests. Others are from partners around the world. Prayers are being answered! God is glorified!



  • Pray:  1 Timothy 2: 1-2 "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone--for kings and all those in authority....".

  • Please pray for the government of Iran.

  • Pray for Ayatollah Khamenei, for President Khatami, and for the Iranian parliament. 

  • Pray ''that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth- For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."  1Timothy 2:2b-5 


    • Please pray for the students who study by correspondence in various parts of the world.

  • E & S, an Iranian couple who minister among Iranians in California.  Pray for the last stages of their paperwork to be processed and for strength and wisdom as they minister.

  • Another Iranian-American couple, A & P as they consider ministering through a church planting partnership with PWO in the USA.

  • C., a young Iranian man who is ministering among Iranians in VA.  

USA - CALIFORNIA: Please pray for:
  • Iranian & Afghan Christian Fellowship:
    • Iranian and Afghan Christian Fellowship meets at 12:30 p.m. at McLean Bible Church 8925 Leesburg Pike Vienna, VA 22082 in Room 1203-1204. Praise the Lord for many new contacts that have been made. A Muslim man walked in and asked for prayer for his daughter in Jesus name. He found out about the services through a local Iranian Christian program.
    • Pray for other Iranian Churches that meet in the VA/MD area.
    • Pray that out of these all these churches God will raise up leadership.
  • We praise the Lord that the Afghan believers in L.A. are having their own fellowship now.
    Pray for their gatherings.  

  •  J & N who continue to develop 
  • Continued growth in this important area of missions outreach.
  • There have been many contacts with Iranians through this web page both in and out of Iran.
  • Please pray for the translation of this site into Persian.
  • Pray for Iranian Christian TV broadcasts going out from Los Angeles to Iran and throughout the Persian Diaspora via satellite.
  • Radio broadcasts that are also going out from other parts of the world to Iran.
  • The one-hour broadcasts will initially transmit at 12:30 (noon) and 20:00 hours Iran time,
    on Thursdays and Fridays (the Iranian weekend). 
    The service is also available to viewers in Europe, at 10:00 and 17:30 CET on the same days.
    For more information please refer to
  • A Christian sister in the US writes:
    • "Please pray for Mahran, Khalid, and Ali--young guys who accepted Christ and long to see Him work in their lives".
  • Please pray for the JFM (Jesus for Muslims) Christmas banquet scheduled for Saturday, December 7th.

  • Pray for a team to reach out to Iranian and Afghans in this strategic area of the US.

USA - TEXAS: Pray for:
  • Praise God for a new fellowship of Iranian believers that was started in Houston.
  • Pray for Iranian believers in Amarillo and for the American Church helping them to grow.
  • PWO was able to send several sets of the "10 Basic Steps for Christian Growth" and other Persian Christian materials for the Iranian believers there.
  • Please pray for this Iranian Fellowship. Missionaries write:
    • "Thanks for the materials. They made it fine.  Our friend saw the Farsi concordance, realized what it was, and his face lit up.  He had no idea that something like that existed. An extremely intelligent man, his Bible knowledge is such a short period of time is phenomenal. He was overjoyed exclaiming how much he would be able to accomplish in his studies with a book such as that". They continued; "Last Sunday we hosted for the first time a Bible Study for Iranians.  Seven people were there.  Five of them were hearing the gospel for the first time. One new believer who was baptized a few weeks ago, brought them. Four of the five were so excited about what they heard that they asked to attend the Evangelical Church that afternoon.  The next meeting is scheduled for the first of December. We hope to begin hosting this meeting weekly beginning in January. The wife of one of the men after the service at the church said that she was most touched by 4 women who sang.   What impressed this Iranian woman was not that these 4 women sang perfectly, but that they were so happy. She said that  s  h  e    w  a  n  t  e  d     t  h  e     s  a  m  e     k  i  n  d     o  f     j  o  y."
  • A Christian friend writes:
    • "Please pray for an Iranian man in Paris who accepted Christ who is having difficulties. He needs good Christian friends, peace, a strong mind, and a job." Please pray for Christ's strength and encouragement at a difficult time.
GREECE: Pray for:
  • Pray for N & R, a dedicated Iranian Christian couple who are ministering among Persian speaking refugees.  They write:
    • "Please pray for us for God's guidance for the possibility of staying here in Greece.  We are facing difficulty in processing our documents. Pray for us that we will not be separated for it is not the will of God, but at least we can worship together and serve God. This prayer request includes where God lead us even though we love to stay here and serve God, we still don't know where He will bring us in this situation."  
IRAN: Pray:
  • Please continue to pray for Iranians in Iran who are in need of Bibles, Christian literature, and church home.
  • That the home churches will continue to grow. 
  • Praise for the gospel being shared with seekers in Iran via the internet.
KOREA: Pray:
  • For several Iranian Christian Fellowships there.
  • Pray for P., a Korean brother, and Sister A. and others who are ministering among these Iranians.
  • Praise for Iranian Christian materials that PWO was able to send there for Iranian believers.
MALAYSIA: Pray for:
  • An Iranian Christian in Malaysia that is studying by correspondence.
  • Pray also for a small group (7) of Iranian believers there that they bear fruit.
  • Pray that the Persian Christian materials sent to them will be used effectively.
  • Missionary writes:
    • "Nice to receive your newsletter and read about what God is doing among Iranians worldwide.
      There are a lot and there is also good news about it. I work also for a Dutch organization helping churches with work among asylum seekers living in the Netherlands.
      Many Iranians follow Bible-courses and cell groups."
NEW ZEALAND: Pray for:
  • An Iranian Christian leader writes: 
    • "I need to inform you that recently (over the past year and a half) there has come to be
      a small group of Farsi speaking Christians here in Auckland, New Zealand who meet fortnightly and pray.  We are now five families.  We are planning to establish an outreach for Farsi speaking
      people in Auckland.  Would you please pray with us." 
PAKISTAN: Pray for:
  • Iranian refugees suffering in Pakistan.
  • K & M, a dedicated Iranian couple, are serving among Iranian and Afghan refugees. They are unable to meet in a church building but continue to minister in homes. Please pray for God's direction and strength.
PERU: Pray for:
  • A group of Peruvian Christians PWO missionaries met while in Peru write:
    • "We have been praying for the Persian Nation, the Iranian people who live here in Peru and for many people related to this Ministry. Pray for our sister who learned Farsi in Japan. Our sister  who spent time among Iranians in Italy.  Our brother who received God's calling for this nation and me who also share this calling for those who do not know Christ as Lord and Savior. We have been in prayer for you and for Iran. We are still learning the Farsi.  Our sister has received God's confirmation of the Calling for the Missions for her church. I'm studying at a Bible School, here. Our brother has been given the opportunity to share his faith in God with another woman and this girl. This brother has given each one of them an Injil in Farsi. It's exciting what wonderful things God has done during this year.  Prayer to our God and Father is to obey Him and to Hear clearly His voice to share the God News of Eternal Life in Jesus Name.  We'll be gathering twice a month and we're aware of the PWO Prayer Request for this month. One of our desires is to acquire the language through messages and music, in order also to share them with our contacts here in Peru. And of course, to be able to Open the Holy Scriptures in Farsi, and to Preach and to Pray in the Farsi Language.
      May Our GOD JESUS BLESS YOU RICHLY and MAY HE REVEAL HIS WISDOM AND HIS PERFECT AND GOOD WILL FOR YOUR LIVES, and FOR YOUR MINISTRY. In Christ, we love you, and we thank you for having come."
  • Pray for a man who ministers in this country. He reports an estimated 100 Iranians there and
    does not know any Iranian believers.
  • We had great time this evening at 5 o'clock. Seven person of our church were baptized. 
    Praise The Lord. They are learning Bible at our church. We are so happy as all the angels have a party in heaven with our heavenly Father. Thank God because of his job and your prayer also. God bless you all. 
    In Christ:   H. --Iranian Church Bangkok

  • An Iranian family was scheduled to leave for permanent residency in Canada on November 25.
    Former Muslims from Iran, they became Christians when they were married, 22 years ago. Under Iran�s strict Islamic regime, Muslims who convert to Christianity can be executed for apostasy. So, after enduring growing harassment by secret police, the family fled to Turkey. There they were denied formal refugee status and last April denied immigration to Canada, making them vulnerable for deportation back to Iran. The family will not be deported to Iran, but flown to Canada. There, an Anglican church in Toronto pledged full sponsorship of the family. Praise the Lord! Rejoice with us for the mighty work the Lord has done in this family�s life. He is so good and powerful. Please pray for the family as well, as they prepare for their new life.



  • NEW RESOURCE!!! Rock of Salvation Persian Music CD by Sokrati with music by Arya is now available through PWO. See contact information above.


    • Praise God that 7 New Testament Books in Gilaki have been completed.

    • To see available Iranian Christian Resources go to under "bookstore".


    • Please pray for the  Persian translation of "Persians in the Bible" by Allyn Huntzinger which is scheduled to be completed by April 03.


    • Please pray that Persians will soon have the Bible in a form that does not require print, cassettes or broadcasts.  The Persian Oral Bible Project contains several Bible stories that are passed along by word of mouth, preferably in small groups.  More than 40% of the Persian-Speaking World are unable to read the Bible because of illiteracy or physical handicaps like blindness.  Another 30% are functionally illiterate.  This means that 70% of Persians around the world prefer a story-based learning method.  Pray for the Persian Oral Bible as it is developed.  Soon Persians will have 100 Bible stories memorized from which they can make disciples as Jesus commanded.

  • Please pray for those who are ministering to Iranian and Afghan people in their local neighborhoods and via the internet with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many contact PWO for resources and prayer.
  • Please continue to pray for those called and gifted for ministry with computerizing inventory, distant learning program development, accounting, simple data entry, and typing and translation of Christian materials into Persian.
  • PWO is also interested in partnering with others called to minister among Iranians in the Diaspora in various parts of the world. 
  • PWO invites you to support this work prayerfully and financially.
  • You may remove yourself from this mailing by return an  "unsubscribe" email to [email protected]