Persian World Outreach Prayer
Points |
April 2002 |
Pray for:
- Iranian pastors and their families who
serve the Lord among the 5 million Iranians in the diaspora and for
those dedicated pastors serving inside Iran.
Pray for:
- Open hearts and open doors for the
Gospel in the current crisis situation
- The political situation
Romans 8:28
- Opportunities now for relief work
- Afghani Christians who are reaching
out to other Afghans
- Outreach to Afghans in the United
Pray for:
- F who works among Iranians in Germany
- A new Iranian church start in Aachen
- An Iranian pastor to come to minister
in Aachen
- AB an Iranian Christian in Germany
- An Iranian church
Pray for:
- N & R, a dedicated Iranian Christian
couple who are ministering among Persian-speaking refuges
- Kurdish, Afghan and Iranian refugees
coming to the services
- The prison ministry
Pray for:
- Iranians in Iran who are searching for
Bibles and Christian literature. They are often unable to go
openly to the church.
- Christians going into the country to
be able to encourage national believers.
- Relief workers needed in an Afghan
refugee camp
- Praise for the Gospel being shared via
the internet
Pray for:
- K & M, another dedicated Iranian
couple serving among Iranian and Afghan refugees
- The very difficult situation now for
Afghani and Iranian refugees.
- God's direction and strength
Pray for:
- A prayer group that is organizing to
pray and seek for opportunities for outreach to Iranians.
Pray for:
- Persian-speaking Christian leaders
needed to minister among refugees
- Praise for the work being done in
Pray for:
- S & L who serve among Persian
speakers. Many Iranian students are coming from Iran to study.
Pray for:
- Iranian Christian TV broadcasts going
out from L.A. to Iran and throughout the Persian Diaspora (in North
America, Europe and Asia) via satellite.
- Radio broadcasts that are also going
- Praise for increase in opportunities
via TV, Radio and Internet to spread the Gospel. There have been
testimonies of salvation and Christian growth as a result.
Pray for:
- Praise for three Iranian women from
Muslim backgrounds who were baptized this month at the Emmanuel Persian
- A new couple and their young son who
have come to the church and desire to serve the Lord there.
- Many American and Iranian Christian
women who desire their Iranian husbands to know Jesus.
- The 17+ Iranian churches in California
working among the almost 1 million Iranians here.
- A new Iranian church started in Davis,
CA (near Sacremento).
- Praise for the outreach during the
Iranian New Year last month. On Easter Day (the last day of
Iranian New Year this year) thousands of Iranians and Afghans headed to
the parks. Many Iranian churches and Christians distributed
literature and spoke of Christ's love. Pray that God's Word will
accomplish His purposes in lives that were touched.
- As contacts are made regarding an
Iranian church plant on the East Coast.
- For a group of young Iranian
Christians who meet regularly in Virginia and desire to reach out among
the Iranian community there.
Pray for:
- D, the mother of a missionary who is
experiencing relief from pain and fatigue. Pray for God's peace
and provision of a kidney.
Pray for:
- Gilaki (one of the people gropus of
Iran located in the north near the Caspian Sea). Translation
of I, II & III John work is completed.
- Recently completed are Persian
translations of 2 booklets:
- Rabbi's Testimony
- Four Things that God Cannot Do
- These are available through
Persian World Outreach
Pray for:
- J from Virginia serving with the
Persian ministry for one year. Please pray as she ministers in the
local Persian Church among Iranian refugees and immigrants and
facilitates several Bible studies.
Pray for:
- Web Page design
- Inventory
- Distant Learning Program set-up
- Accounting to simple data entry
- PWO also needs people to minister
among Iranians in the Diaspora in various parts of the world.
- PWO invites you to support this work
prayfully and financially.