Republic of Iran
is located in southwestern Asia on
the Caspian and Arabian seas and the Persian
Gulf Iran is 1.65 sq. km. in area. This is
approximately 1/9th the size of the USA. The
estimated population of Iran is 65 million.
The official language of Iran is Persian
(Farsi). It is an Indo-European language in
the same family as English.
Religion in Iran:
Shi'a Islam is the state religion of
Iran. All deviations or defections from
Shi'a Islam are subject to persecution.
Patrick Johnstone in Operation World
(Zondervan Publishers, 1993) estimated that
99% of Iranians are Muslim (87% Shi'a and
12% Sunni). .5% are Baha'i. .4% are
Christian .1% are Jews. .04% are
Ethnic Groups in Iran:
Over 65 ethnic groups reside in Iran. Some
of the major ethnic groups in Iran are
Persian, Azerbijani, Luri, Kurd, Baluch,
Turkmen, Qashqai, and Parsee.
There are
opportunities to contribute to the work
being done in Iran. |