Christ in the Art of Hossein Behzad of Iran
Although he was a Christian, Hossein
Behzad was respected by Muslims and Christians alike, for, in his work, he
brought together the best artistic traditions of Persia's past and his own
contemporary experience of Christian faith. This essay focuses on the art from the Christian period in Behzad's life. |
This painting, Wise Men from the East, is one of his most popular works. |
Hossein Behzad received a medal for this painting from the National Council of Churches, USA, as recognition of its choice for the National Council's 1958 Christmas card of the year. William Miller had the privilege of presenting him their medal and citation. When the medal was presented and words of appreciation were spoken, Behzad said, "I have received many honors in my life, but I prize this honor more than any of the others. For the other honors came to me from men, but this has come from Jesus Christ. | |
Since the end of the nineteenth century, a clamor for Persian miniatures in the style of Behzad of Herat and Riza-i-Abbasi has brought success to talented artists such as Hossein Behzad. | |
Hailed as one of the best miniaturist
painters since Riza-i-Abbasi, Hossein Behzad carried to a natural
conclusion Riza-i-Abbasi's pioneering changes, eliminating all oriental
trappings and firmly establishing perspective. Detail from Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery -- Behzad |
One of Hossein Behzad's first Biblical works, Adoration of the Wise Men, was painted at the request of the Presbyterian Mission in Iran. Hossein Behzad, then about 45 years old, was an established artist in Teheran, Iran's capital. He was also a convert from Islam. | |
Hossein Behzad preferred to think of his
life story as that of the prodigal son, a Biblical parable he once painted
in two compositions. Behzad was born in 1894, son of a highly
regarded traditional miniaturist and painter. Behzad's father taught
his son how to paint, and later the boy expanded his skills at a Muslim
school. The Prodigal Son - Behzad |
Unfortunately, Behzad's father soon
died, and young Behzad was compelled to drop out of school and apprentice
to a calligrapher. Detail from The Prodigal Son - Behzad |
However, Behzad continued to train as a
painter, copying the great masters, particularly Behzad of Herat and
Riza-i-Abbasi. By his seventeenth birthday, Hossein Behzad was
self-confident enough as a painter to move to Teheran and work alone. Detail from The Prodigal Son - Behzad |
He fell into depression and dissipation
in Teheran. He was intelligent and talented, yet he drank and used
opium. The Prodigal Son Returns - Behzad |
A Christian friend, who was
a convert from Judaism, was greatly distressed to see Behzad in this sad
condition, and took him to his church where he heard the Good News of a
Savior for the first time. Detail from The Prodigal Son Returns - Behzad |
This new awakening for
Behzad may be symbolized by this detail showing a servant of the prodigal
son's father bringing new clothing and shoes for the tattered youth. At the evangelist's urging, Behzad accepted the Good News, opened his heart to Christ and became a Christian. Detail from The Prodigal Son Returns - Behzad |
Later, Behzad painted, "The Good
Shepherd", a theme that he felt was autobiographical. Christ is
sitting inside the fold, the walls of which are in disrepair; there is a
door, through which sheep are entering. Christ is both the
door and the shepherd. Behzad knew that he had been the lost sheep
found by Christ. The Good Shepherd - Behzad |
This theme,
Christ the Good Shepherd,
was later used for a tapestry design by Behzad for Princeton Theological
Seminary's Robert E. Speer Library. Christ the Good Shepherd
has gone out into the dark mountain of sin to seek and save the lost lamb. He finds the lamb and holds it lovingly in his arms, as he takes it to the sunlit fields of salvation, where his sheep graze happily. Behind the Good Shepherd is the Tree of Life, in the top of which is the cross formed from blossoms. The Stream of the Water of Life flows from the Shepherd's robe. Flowers bloom beside the stream. Such vivid symbolism is common to all of Behzad's Christian theme paintings and miniatures. |
first picture by Behzad after his conversion is believed to be Christ in Glory. The four Persian inscriptions beneath the portrait read: Master of Love Lord of Truth Savior of All Christ the Lord. In fine handwriting at the lower left-hand corner is the signature: Behzad, Servant of Christ. It is believed that it was this painting that brought requests to Behzad to do other religious pictures. |
Hossein Behzad, in the tradition of all
Persian painters, enjoyed painting beautiful women. Consequently, he
chose the women of Christ's life as subjects for many of his Biblical
works. Mary and Jesus in Arms sketch by Behzad |
His portrayal of Mary, the mother of Jesus, was especially vivid and recurrent. This painting, and the previous sketch, are both entitled, Mary and Jesus in Arms. | |
This detail from The Maji, Mary and Jesus, is one of the many nativity scenes that Behzad often painted for his friends. | |
Behzad chose Martha for this
tapestry, Christ and Martha.
It is a depiction of Christ coming to Bethany to raise Lazarus from the
dead, and Martha coming to meet Him, kneeling at His feet. Christ is saying, "I am the Resurrection and the Life. Thy brother shall rise again." As in the other tapestry, above the head of Christ is the sign of the cross. Martha is gazing up at Him, the light of faith shining in her face. |
Behzad also painted Mary
Magdalene in this portrayal of The Risen Christ and Mary Magdalene at the Tomb. Christ seems to be clinging to the Tree of Life as he extends a hand. |
Behzad's painting of the women around
Christ also included two treatments of the story of the woman taken in
adultery. This detail shows the compassionate look on the face of Christ and the remorseful countenance of the woman. In the final detail, Christ has drawn a cross on the ground before the woman. Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery, Go and Sin No More - Behzad |
Here note the charming and
interesting faces of the men in the crowd who have just been shamed by
Christ. Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery Go and Sin No More - Behzad |
Christ and
the Woman at the Well. Christ is placed again near the Tree of Life as He tells the woman that her ways are not wise. In the detail, we see the extraordinary beauty which Behzad gave to his portraits of women. |
One of Behzad's most charming paintings
of women is this work, The Wise and Foolish Virgins, which shows his warmth and humanity as well as his prowess. |
Behzad also painted Christ and the Children in which he portrays the tenderness of Christ. | |
In Risen
Christ and His Followers, Behzad expresses the majesty
which he saw in his Lord. Behzad lived a long and fruitful life after he became a Christian. He was a tireless worker; always attempting to incorporate his best Christian understanding into his life and work. |
His theories of Persian painting, such
as his dislike of rigid discipline and his preference for dull hues rather
than sharp colors, won him a place as an innovative landmark artist. Detail from Risen Christ and His Followers - Behzad |
Here we see how Behzad chose colors of
the same family to create unified space. Detail from Risen Christ and His Followers - Behzad |
Many of Behzad's Biblical
themes took on an autobiographical significance. In this picture,
Christ the True Vine, Behzad acknowledges the strength he gained from Christ, a fortitude that enabled him to triumph as an attentive disciple. |
Yet, we also see how Behzad saw himself
as just one of the boys. His friends describe him as having been an
ordinary everyday man, with no pretensions and a striking humility.
Behzad's devotion culminated in an honorary doctorate awarded by the
School of Fine Arts in Teheran. Detail from Christ the True Vine - Behzad |
At Behzad's death in 1968,
Iran mourned an artist who was once described by Jean Cocteau, the French
author, as " . . . a magical prophet, a storyteller of the Orient; he was the only twentieth century master in the art of miniature painting." Hossein Behzad also stands as a Christian whose contributions have enriched the gallery of Christian art around the world. |
Slides and excerpts from the filmstrip,
Christ in the Art of Hossein Behzad of Iran. Credits: William M. Miller, Originals of Behzad Art/Consultant The National Council of Churches, USA, Christmas Card Art Script: John C Batchelor Research: Sherman B. Fung Originally distributed by Presbyterian Distribution Service, 225 Varick Street, New York, NY 10014 ~1970 |
Special thanks to Tat
Stewart for making these precious slides and narratives available. Our hope is that, as you read about Hossein Behzad and other Iranian Christians, you will appreciate the incredible Iranian Christian heritage that is yours. From the beginning of documented history, woven throughout the Bible and up into modern terms, Persian Christians have played a pivotal role in God's Plan for mankind. Jesus desires to impact your life, to give you a peace and hope that only comes through a personal relationship with Him. If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] |